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Mark Figley: Biden’s bad ideas on EVs in the military


Joe Biden has been referred to as lots of things, but military expert has never been one of them. Even after his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, he is clearly incapable of cogent thought when it comes to sensible defense planning. And he just keeps proving it.

Lori Borgman: Incidentally, accidents do happen


We were loading some grands into the car for a long weekend at our house when one of the girls handed me an envelope containing cash. “Mom says this is for accidentals.”

Ron Lora: On key issues, politicians ignore strong public opinion


Every day we see evidence of polarization in American politics and culture. And yet, a majority of us actually agree on dozens of matters. Last fall, YouGov polling data published the results of several 2022 surveys, polls and trackers involving an admixture of 1,500 people whose ages, gender and race reflected U.S. demographics.

David Trinko: The rare lazy day of summer


It finally happened!

John Grindrod: Prioritizing my three C’s and giving thanks


I think most of us know a little something about making lists. For the past two-plus decades, I’ve watched one of the great list makers of our times, my Lady Jane, who not only doesn’t go a day without making at least one but also keeps a calendar with every box filled with her duties. Of course, a kept calendar is simply a list in disguise. I’m a pad-and-pencil list maker, from the ones that read, “Eggs, milk, English muffins …” to lists that include weightier items, often responsibilities, the most urgent of which is at the top.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Teen girls’ mental health crisis


As Mental Health Awareness Month is nearing its end, I reflected on how the mental health crisis among teenage girls is receiving more attention from researchers.

Legal-Ease: Be careful to avoid paying parents’ nursing home bill


Nursing homes and other long-term care providers are a crucial part of our society. Their solvency and continued existence is necessary in our lives where, unlike our ancestors, senior family members typically no longer “move in” with their adult children when the senior members who need care for day-to-day living are unable to independently care for themselves.

Steve Stivers: Computer science education must start early to develop workforce of the future


We all want Ohio to be the best it can be. To make our state the most enjoyable place in which to live, we must first focus on its economy and, as a result, its workforce.

David McClough: Credit rating groups should downgrade U.S.


Due to the failure of the House Speaker and the President to negotiate a debt ceiling increase that would allow the government to pay its bills, in particular principal and interest on the nearly $31.5 trillion debt, the credit rating agency Fitch placed the United States credit on negative watch.

Gary Franks: America is in an unconventional war


Wars come in many forms.