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David Trinko: Forgiven late fees at library are great idea


You don’t have to avoid your local librarian like she’s a debt collector anymore.

Reghan Winkler: Don’t contract your savings with a scam


June is National Homeownership Month, an opportunity for U.S. residents to reflect on the importance of the home and its role in their lives. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median asking price for a home is $319,000.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Jim Brown’s legacy with civil rights


As sports articles have been honoring the football legacy of Jim Brown in the wake of his passing at age 87 last month, many tributes have included the famous 1967 photo of the Cleveland Summit, also known as the Ali Summit.

Michael Reagan: Nixon + Congress = $32 trillion in debt


Context. Perspective. Background.

John Grindrod: Spending an evening with old friends at the Rose


Following some surgery-and-recovery challenges in April, I was really looking forward to an evening with my Lady Jane at The Rose Music Center on May’s first Saturday. You see, not only would I be spending time with that special gal from Montezuma, but I would also be seeing some old friends.

Gary Franks: Some Democrats give hypocrisy a bad name on education


“Public schools are good for your kids but not good for… my kids?”

S.E. Cupp: Christie may not win, but can he thwart Trump?


In 1965, William F. Buckley Jr. decided to avenge the loss of Barry Goldwater to Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1964 presidential election by running for mayor of New York. His goal was to restore attention to conservatism as he understood it, and take votes from Republican John Lindsay, who he thought insufficiently principled.

Christine Flowers: Biden’s poet laureate and her false claims of being banned


Amanda Gorman, the young woman who read her highly celebrated poetry at Joe Biden’s inaugural two years ago, has proven herself to be quite adept at writing fiction in addition to her laureate skills.

Robert B. Reich: The GOP manufactured 5 fake crises to deflect attention from real...


Republican leaders have mastered the art of manufacturing crises to divert the public’s attention from the real crisis of our era — the siphoning off of income, wealth, and power by a small group at the top.

Cal Thomas: The debt deal: Could it have been better?


It was either the best deal that could have been reached given the political makeup of the House, Senate and White House, or it was a bad deal that might have been much better had Speaker Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans held out for more.