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George Will: ‘Repeal and replace’? Try ‘tweak and move on.’

WASHINGTON — Two Junes ago, when the Supreme Court upheld, 6-3, a challenged provision of the Affordable Care Act, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing...

Dan K. Thomasson: Is there room in Arlington, in our memories for Confederate soldiers?

WASHINGTON — Arlington National Cemetery, it seems, is running out of space. A bugler might need to play taps for the holiest and most...

Jonathan Allen: Ryan, McConnell playing with political fire on health care

Republican leaders have a once-in-a-lifetime shot to dismantle Medicaid, a costly entitlement program that provides health care for the poor and the disabled.In what...

George Will: Baseball’s pace of play needs some juice

OMAHA, Neb. — From Little League on up, players emulate major leaguers, so Major League Baseball’s pace-of-play problem is trickling down. Four innings into...

Opinion: Warmbier Death Is Just the Latest in Long String of N. Korea Torture

Opinion: Warmbier Death Is Just the Latest in Long String of N. Korea TortureThe tyranny of the dynasty that’s governed North Korea since 1945...

Opinion: Reaffirming American Leadership — Freedom, Markets, Security

The democratic world order that emerged after World War II, thanks in very large measure to American leadership, has contributed to securing peace and...

Fugitt column: Our dirty secret: Many seniors going hungry

When you think of the hungry, chances are you think of someone that doesn’t look like you, someone who doesn’t live near you. We...

Opinion: Open the doors of Supreme Court

Former FBI Director James B. Comey’s open testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month, broadcast live on national television, reflected well on...

Kathleen Parker: Can words be lethal?

WASHINGTON — Words matter, journalists are fond of saying.This comes lately in the context of presidential tweets that conceivably could have serious repercussions. Otherwise,...

William O’Keefe: Time for leadership on tax reform

Earlier this week, House Speaker Paul Ryan delivered a major speech articulating his vision for how lawmakers should enact comprehensive tax reform this year,...