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Don Stratton: My ongoing problems with GPS systems

Of all the modern electronic devices available today, the global positioning system or GPS is the one that can sometimes cause me the greatest...

Christine M. Flowers: Parents should decide fate of terminally ill son, not courts

There is a little boy named Charlie, sleeping in a state of blessed unawareness an ocean away from us, while judges, doctors and his...

James F. Burns: Fourth of July has meaning for everyone

Peggy Garner had a deeper and different understanding of liberty than Patrick Henry—he who famously shouted “Give me liberty or give me death.” Peggy...

Opinion: Workplace freedom missing on July 4th

On the Fourth of July, Americans will celebrate our country’s birthday with beachside barbecues and firework fiestas. Independence Day commemorates our freedom from a...

Kathleen Parker: What’s ailing health care

WASHINGTON — The Senate health care bill, which was scuttled Tuesday until after July 4, was doomed by two narratives: Republicans are mean, and...

Cal Thomas: 2 wins for Trump

The Supreme Court’s decision to allow portions of President Trump’s travel ban to proceed is a much-needed victory for the administration. The high court...

George Will: ‘Repeal and replace’? Try ‘tweak and move on.’

WASHINGTON — Two Junes ago, when the Supreme Court upheld, 6-3, a challenged provision of the Affordable Care Act, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing...

Dan K. Thomasson: Is there room in Arlington, in our memories for Confederate soldiers?

WASHINGTON — Arlington National Cemetery, it seems, is running out of space. A bugler might need to play taps for the holiest and most...

Jonathan Allen: Ryan, McConnell playing with political fire on health care

Republican leaders have a once-in-a-lifetime shot to dismantle Medicaid, a costly entitlement program that provides health care for the poor and the disabled.In what...

George Will: Baseball’s pace of play needs some juice

OMAHA, Neb. — From Little League on up, players emulate major leaguers, so Major League Baseball’s pace-of-play problem is trickling down. Four innings into...