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Doyle McManus: Think the 25th Amendment will take care of Trump? You’re dreaming

Just as his critics warned, President Donald Trump is turning out to be unfit for his job, perhaps dangerously so. That’s a harsh judgment,...

Michael Reagan: Outing the Weinsteins

We know Hollywood moguls are infamous for taking advantage of aspiring young actresses. The movie producer’s casting couch has been a “tradition” since Tinsel...

Kathleen Parker: #MeToo: Tipping point, or outrage du jour?

WASHINGTON — Depending upon one’s distance from all things Twitter, recent revelations of sexual harassment in Hollywood are either the tipping point we’ve been...

Cal Thomas: Trump head, Pence tail

If a metaphor could be used for this White House, it might be a two-sided coin with President Donald Trump the head and Vice...

George Will: In blocking abortion legislation, Democrats will display their cultural extremism

WASHINGTON — What would America’s abortion policy be if the number of months in the gestation of a human infant were a prime number...

Mark Figley: The sin of sanctuary cities

In a battle destined to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, America’s roughly 300 sanctuary cities continue to plot strategies to avoid losing...

George Will: Trump is turning and turning in a widening gyre

WASHINGTON — With eyes wide open, Mike Pence eagerly auditioned for the role as Donald Trump’s poodle. Now comfortably leashed, he deserves the degradations...

How should I vote on Issue 2?

My name is Roger Tackett. I am a combat veteran and a Purple Heart recipient.In 1967, I was wounded serving with the U.S. Marine...

George Will: The auto industry has a glamorous past but an opaque future

DETROIT — Bending metal, slapping on chrome and marketing an empowering product and status marker that mesmerized 20th-century America, the automobile industry typified the...

Michael Shannon: Another misfire from gun grabbers

There are two predictable responses to any mass shooting. First, Dollar Stores in the vicinity run out of candles and second, the left tries...