Real Life Mama: A lot happens in five years

Five years. Half a decade. Over 250 stories. More than 200,000 words. My life and the lives of my girls have been shared with you all now for 60 months. From the smallest of things like potty training to monumental changes like a few weeks ago, you all have been there through it all.

And quite honestly, I cannot thank you all enough for it.

You see, this week as I was looking through past stories and reminiscing on the five years that I have been writing this column, I ran across some stories that I had completely forgotten about. Funny how, when in the moment with our kids, we think we will never forget it. And yet, a few years go by, and we barely remember it!

Don’t get me wrong, some of those sleepless nights, endless bedtimes, potty training nightmares, terrible 2- and 3-year-old tantrums are not really memories I want to think about time and time again. But there are some special times – hilarious moments and even the plain-Jane normal ones, that I am so thankful that I can easily look back on because they were documented with all of you.

Like when my aunt passed away in 2017 and I had told the girls that she went to heaven. But then I told them that we were going to go see her one last time. And when we arrived at the funeral home, my sweet 3 year-old Maylie asked if I was sure that the funeral home was heaven.

Or when I was trying on swimsuits in 2018 and Maylie told me just how beautiful I looked – following it up with “You look like you are going to have another baby.” Oh, the innocence and honesty out of the mouths of babes.

Or how about the time that Reagan randomly blurted out that she loved me more than waffles. Waffles, though? She didn’t even eat the waffle – usually just the strawberries and whipped cream on top. In the three years since then, I am still not sure that she has ever had a waffle. But I still hope she loves me more than them.

Remember when Reagan was on her “24 hour challenge” and she decided that she would be pregnant for the night and slept with a plastic ball on her belly inside her jammies? Seriously, seeing that picture again — and remembering her drive to follow through — not only cracked me up but reminded me of her ambition in all that she does.

What about when Maylie told me that I was embarrassing because we turn up the volume and dance and sing around the house with the windows and blinds open as we clean? And yet, this little lady will not so much as pick up a sock these days without cleaning music on.

Speaking of dancing, remember last year when I wrote about my girls dancing in the rain and how there comes a point when the storm doesn’t feel so strong anymore, and for once the water on your face didn’t fall from your eyes? You all didn’t know the meaning of watching my babies happily dance in the storm of the last year — but I did. And I felt every emotion that went into those words as I reread them.

Not only have you all learned about my babies over the years, but you have also read about the hands of my mother that built me, the bond between my father and me and basketball, a female officer and I changing my tire on the side of I-75, the benefits of some of the best friends out there and glamour shots with my mom and sisters.

Through a rough pandemic including a very sick miraculous bro-in-law, being a nonvoluntary work from home mom and part-time teacher and the praise of all my kid’s amazing teachers through the last couple of years, you all have been there.

Again, I can’t thank you enough. For letting me share my stories – the good and the bad – the parts that nearly broke me, the parts that actually did and the amazing times that I have shared with my babies and all those who have surrounded me with love.

And that includes all of you — surrounding me with love. I share A LOT. Some may say too much. Yet, when an acquaintance throws me a thumbs up and says they loved my article, or a stranger recognizes my girls, or an 81-year-old reader sends me a hand-written letter filled with God, encouragement and love, I can’t help but feel loved.

So, here’s to five years together — the good, the bad and the in between. Thank you for letting me share all the real-life moments of my last 250 weeks with you – and for loving me through every single one of them.

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It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since the Real Life Mama column began.’s hard to believe it’s been five years since the Real Life Mama column began. Courtesy of Sarah Shrader

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her daughters and writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.