Real Life Mama: Celebrating and including Jada Joy

Have you ever met someone who, no matter what is going on in your life, can instantly make you feel better? Someone who always lights up when they see you and flashes you their warmest smile. Someone who comes right on in for an infamous hug that rejuvenates your outlook on life and fills you with joy.

That is what Miss Jada Joy brings to all of those around her, and we especially soak it up here in our neighborhood.

This week, sporting our silly socks, our whole neighborhood family got together to support our sweet Jada. You see, Miss Jada has Down syndrome, and March 21 is officially World Down Syndrome Day, which is a “day to raise awareness, promote inclusivity, encourage advocacy and support the well-being of those living with Down syndrome.”

And in our neighborhood, we never miss an opportunity to lean in and support one another.

As part of our tribe, Miss Jada is so loved. But, how could she not be? Wherever she goes, this little girl spreads love, sending it out into the atmosphere so freely and contagiously. Just being around her silly self sends smiles and sunshine throughout. Her desire to make people laugh and joke around always leaves you feeling like the world is a better place because of her.

And it is. Because she, along with her family, are making sure that she is seen for exactly who she is – a beautiful, loving child full of joy who can and will do anything and everything that anyone else can. And while World Down Syndrome Day is to bring awareness and support for all with Down syndrome, I am so thankful that we get to share in the life of this baby girl all the time.

While Jada brings so much to the table, there’s one piece that she has brought into this neighborhood that I hope will help with the awareness for years to come – that she is really not much different than anyone else. Watching this child sing, dance, play, celebrate and heck, even howl at the moon with all our other silly wolf gang members, it warms my heart.

If her big sister KJ is doing something, Jada cannot wait to learn it as well. If one of the bigger kids wants to try something, Jada is in line to do the same.

Without even realizing it, every single day, this child brings awareness to Down syndrome to all of the other kids in the neighborhood. But, it’s almost an unknown awareness, like these children don’t even realize it, but they are doing exactly what needs to be done for everyone with Down syndrome, seeing through her disability and just seeing her friendly and goofy self.

You see, these kids have grown up with Jada, which means that Down syndrome isn’t unknown or different. Her presence and the happiness she brings has allowed our entire neighborhood to see that Down syndrome does not limit someone. If anything, it brings even more joy to the table.

Bravely and fearlessly, this sweet girl has been proudly herself, allowing all the other kids to see that she is simply another person in the world who is deserving of all the love and has all the love to give.

Just the other day Reagan was telling me just how cute it was that every time Jada sees her, she comes running and yells out “Reagy.” On and on, Maylie rants about how sweet she is. There is no mention of any differences because, quite frankly, my girls do not see them. They only see their loveable friend whom they enjoy being around.

Another item to remember, per Jada’s mom (and my dear friend, Chrissy), is that it is so important to “expect and not accept” with any person with Down syndrome. In fact, that is Chrissy’s favorite phrase.

Do not accept that someone cannot do something based on preconceived notions. Instead, have high expectations and always assume competence. If anyone has taught us this, it has been Jada.

This little girl continues to break barriers, including inclusive education which not only benefits children with disabilities but also helps opens up the minds of typical students creating even more awareness.

And guys, that is what it is all about, creating awareness and openness to the acceptance of all the people out there with any sort of disability. It is knowing that we are not all the same but loving and celebrating the differences in us all. It is looking at and spending time with a beautiful baby girl who can and will change the world.

Our precious Jada Joy, thank you for bringing all the love, light and awareness into our lives. We love you – every single part of you – exactly as you are.

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By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her daughters and writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.