Real Life Mama: Gussied up for a daddy-daughter date

OK, daddies, this one is for you. Please take your baby girls on a daddy-daughter date for Valentine’s Day. It can be as elaborate as you want — a weekend away, something in the middle like a Daddy-Daughter dance or, heck, it can even be dinner and movie on the couch at home. Regardless how big or small you want to make it, just make it happen.

Because daughters, they long for that one-on-one daddy time. They love having something to look forward to where they get to be the reason for celebrating (it’s almost like having a second birthday).

What’s even better than the anticipation is the preparation. I, for one, love to pamper my baby girls. As mentioned before, it is typically a fight to get Reagan to let me do anything to her hair – and it’s a battle that I rarely choose to fight (as long as she at least brushes through it herself).

However, last weekend, knowing that she going out on a date with Daddy, she insisted on a braid on each side lining her face. After her approval of the braids, she even let me straighten the back of it (which I am not sure that she or I got more out of). But she felt like a million bucks.

Miss Maylie, on the other hand, loves having her hair, done which I soak up. Together, we discussed exactly how she wanted it done for her date with Dad, and I went to town with curls and sprays to make sure they lasted. Once complete, she was grinning from ear to ear.

But we didn’t stop there. While both girls love to play around in makeup and make a mess with their play makeup, it is very rare that Mommy uses her makeup on them and does it for them. But it was a special occasion! We were on a mission to make them look their very best!

There is something so special about Mom’s makeup – maybe it’s because of the rarity of its use on them – or maybe it’s because it is something that I use daily, and it makes them feel like they are finally getting “real” makeup on. Regardless, they eat it up.

Applying eyeshadow to squinty eyes that are trying to stay closed and yet see what is going on at the same time is both a task and a blast. Trying to get them to hold still for the mascara was hilarious. We definitely needed a few tries and a few makeup wipes, but we made it. And putting a touch of lipstick on those baby lips, watching them rub them together and smile – that is priceless.

And what daddy-daughter date is complete without a dress? Reagan was super confident in her decision from the get-go – and insisted on open-toed sandals to finish the outfit. Kindly, I reminded her to look outside at the foot of snow on the ground, to which she replied it was not a big deal. Ha! It took some persuasion, but I finally convinced her that boots would be a better option.

After trying on every single dress that she owned (and throwing them all over the floor in true preteen fashion), Maylie finally decided on her favorite summer dress. You do you, baby girl. But you probably need a sweater. Choice after choice, she finally settled on a completely different pattern to go on top of her flowery pattern. Perfect.

Finally, the girls were all ready to go and giddy thinking about the evening they were going to spend on a date with just their Daddy. That feeling, those smiles, even the “when is Daddy coming” question every five minutes, made my heart so happy for my baby girls.

And Daddy showed up with a small gift – nothing much – just a card and a little heart-shaped box of chocolates. But you would have thought the girls just received a new car. It was not the actual present that mattered so much to them (although my girls do love chocolate) but more so that he thought about it enough to bring them something for their special date.

Then, they were off – a night of just a dad and his two baby girls. Dinner, a movie and cuddles – it may not seem like much, but it was a magical time where our girls not only looked but also felt like the little princesses that they are. And I got to hear about every single exciting detail when they got home.

So, dads, I am telling you, plan a Valentine’s Day date with your daughters. I promise it will be an unforgettable evening for both you and your kids.

Thank you, Paul, for making our two little Valentines feel so special.

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Spending some time together for a daddy-daughter date is rewarding for everyone. some time together for a daddy-daughter date is rewarding for everyone. Courtesy of Sarah Shrader

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her daughters and writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.