Real Life Mama: Spring is coming

It’s here, its’s finally here. OK, maybe not completely here per the weather — but at least the calendar finally says so. Hello, Spring. Because the only thing worse than being cooped up all winter long is being cooped up all winter long with two over-energized children.

Although it starts with Daylight Saving Time causing cranky kids pleading that it is not dark out yet and cannot be bedtime, March then sends us the blessing of Spring. And, just knowing that the sun shines longer in the evening and warmer days are ahead gives hope to us parents who have been trapped indoors every evening and weekend for the past four months.

You see, our toy room has exploded all over our house, no longer able to contain the mess as the kids have needed new locations to destroy. And although they have more toys than hair on their head, these children still find ways to be bored. Far too many times I have handed over the tablets for entertainment out of sheer desperation for a moment to myself when the lust of the toys ran dry. And I swear if I have to watch “How The Grinch Stole Christmas,” “Moana” or “creepy” “Coraline” again, I may go insane.

Ah, but just around the corner, freedom is begging to be released in the form of sunshine, bubbles, bike riding and sand. It is so, so close yet this weather makes it still feel miles away. We have already been taunted with a few warm days. And even with snow still melting in the yard, I have actually already had a request to get the sprinkler out. They know, and I know, that Spring is near. It is coming.

Soon we will be able to walk outside without a 20-minute game of lost and found searching for that other missing glove, a hat that actually stays over cold, red ears and winter coats that need zipped up to the chin (which inevitably drives our baby crazy). And shoes. Praise God we get a break from the nagging of putting them on fifteen times. Go out with bare feet, my child. It is fine. Go feel that ground between your toes. Whatever it takes to get us out of the house within minutes and into a whole new world of firsts for the year.

And, although there are still dozens of partial pieces of sidewalk chalk, half-used bottles of bubbles, and a sandbox half full, it’s like I can’t help but buy new boxes, bottles and bags to help welcome the season of new growths and beginnings.

There is nothing that opens up the imagination of a young artist with a driveway canvas like every color option in a full-size piece of chalk. And, even though it will be spilled within the week, year-old bubbles just don’t float in the spring breeze like a brand-new bottle. And although half of the sand will be out of the box after the first go around, nothing beats a full, fresh sand box to start the season.

It’s finally time to pump up the bike tires, clear the spiderwebs off the buckets and shovels, put more air in the balls and dig out the hula hoops. It’s like a whole new world of adventures out there just waiting for us to explore.

Fresh air and freedom are coming! Finally, when my child asks to go out and play I can say, “YES!” Neighbor friends will come over and occupy my kids so I don’t need to try to entertain them every single second — which is just the kind of break this Mama needs.

And right now, it doesn’t matter that warmer weather means not being able to get anything done inside because the 2 year old can’t be left unattended. It doesn’t matter that there may be four more kids at my house to look after, get drinks for and feed snacks to. It doesn’t matter that I will inevitably find sand in every room of my house.

It doesn’t matter that Spring also brings skinned knees, mud, bugs and Popsicle stains. It doesn’t even matter that I will actually have to bathe my children nightly (which may or may not be significantly more than my children are bathed in the winter).

All that matters is I will soon finally have an outlet for my vibrant children to work off some of that youthful energy that has been trapped inside our house all winter long. Yes, in my mind, Spring is here. And I honestly could not be more ready for it.

All I am waiting on now is that darn weather man to cooperate.

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Even though warm weather means sandbox fun, which also means sand tracked through the house, it’s worth it. though warm weather means sandbox fun, which also means sand tracked through the house, it’s worth it.

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.