Real Life Mama: Are we ready?

A baby. I remember when I found out that I was bringing a baby into this world. That I, all imperfections aside, was carrying something more precious than gold. A sweet baby.

I prepared my house. I needed to be ready. I had to have the best bottles, the best swing, top-notch baby wraps and stroller. After all, I was bringing a cherished child into this world.

And I prepared my heart daily. I mean I had to! This child’s life was in my hands! I was overjoyed and frightened each breath I took. Am I eating the right foods? Am I getting enough exercise? Am I resting enough? Did it move enough today? Oh man, I need to go drink some juice — it hasn’t kicked in 30 minutes! Dear Lord, keep this baby safe!

And I revamped my lifestyle. No thank you, just water for me. It’s 9 p.m., yep time for bed. No, the house needs to be clean — what if the baby comes tonight?

I didn’t think about anything else the entire nine months! Oh no, nothing else. Just that this baby that was coming — any day now.

Am I ready? Can I do this? What if I am not good enough? What if I don’t have what it takes to be a mother? Have I prepared enough? Will we manage with what we have? What will this baby look like? Will it have blue eyes and blonde hair or hazel eyes and brown hair? It doesn’t matter.

This child is coming and I will love it and defend it and tell the world how amazing it is. It will be beautiful like nothing I ever laid eyes on and it will be extraordinary as it enters this world. And I will give my all to take care of and nurture this baby — it will truly be my world.

But what if that baby were Jesus.

How would I prepare? Am I preparing now? For this miracle, I don’t need the name-brand swings and clothes or the best of everything. Really, I just need the best me.

And my house doesn’t need to be in perfect order. In fact, maybe cleansing of my mind is more important than tidying every room.

Am I content with my lifestyle? Is it fit for His coming? Or do I need to make some adjustments to align with the future — the forever?

Is my heart prepared — for I am going to meet the greatest gift that God has given. Will I know what to say? What to do? Will I recognize Him?

Will He come as a bald baby wrapped in swaddling clothes or will He be a man with brown hair and a beard as all the pictures portray Him? Will He take on a different body — a child, a friend, an elderly man? I will know. Surely, I will know.


But what if I don’t? What if He’s my neighbor who needs a handout? What if He’s that stranger that needs a smile? What if He’s the kid who just needs someone to care?

He’s came once. He was here. Did He leave — just completely walk away? Or am I carrying him now — in my heart, in my actions, in my words?

Am I telling the world about this miracle that will change my life and the life of all those all around? Can you look at me, spend time with me and see what I’m expecting? Am I radiating in that pre-Jesus glow — or do I need to work on my reflection of Christ?

Am I speaking His name so He hears my voice? Am I singing praises that glorify all that He is? Am I reaching out to Him before I close my eyes at night and again before I start my day — and every single needed moment in between.

Am I truly ready? For He could come tonight, or next week, or next month. It could even be Dec. 25. Am I giving my all for Him? Defending Him? Is He my world?

You see, becoming a mom far exceeded my expectations of what I thought it would be like. And I fully expect the coming of Jesus to do the same.

I so clearly remember the piece of heaven I felt when they placed my newborn baby in my well-prepared arms. Do you remember how you felt in that moment?

Now, what if I told you there is something coming that is even better than that?

Are you ready?

Happy Birthday, Jesus.

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Am I truly ready? For He could come tonight, or next week, or next month. It could even be Dec. 25. Am I giving my all for Him? Defending Him? Is He my world? I truly ready? For He could come tonight, or next week, or next month. It could even be Dec. 25. Am I giving my all for Him? Defending Him? Is He my world?

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.