Real Life Mama: Now or never time

‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house,

My kids were still not asleep, I mean, why would they start now?


After an hour of one more show, pleads and pottying, the kids finally went down.

So we tiptoed out of their room careful to not make a sound


Then a pop of the cork of a much-deserved night cap,

I finally sat down in the living room to wrap


I sent Daddy to get all the presents hid downstairs,

And after five trips I thought I heard him mumbling some swears.


Next year, I will not go overboard, I thought,

As I found two more bags of things I forgot.


The room was full of packages from many different kids’ stores.

And my back already ached from sitting on the floor.


But I will fight through it, I must! Today is the deadline.

How do other parents get it done before now? Where do they find the time?


From work, to shopping, to Christmas festivities,

I barely had the chance to get out my nativity.


Oh, the stockings were hung at one time by the stairs.

But the baby pulled them down and there’s still a missing push pin somewhere.


The pre-lit tree had been decorated with ornaments and, of course, more lights.

Because I swear those pre lit things never last more than a few nights.


But it’s now or never time — I’ve waited until the last minute.

And no matter what, I just have to finish.


Away I went wrapping — to Daddy, to Mommy, to Reagan, to May,

To GG, to MawMaw, to Brandy, to Bray.


When all of a sudden down the hall I heard a creak,

And I immediately stopped as I saw a 2-year-old about to sneak a peek.


Away to the couch I flew like a flash,

Snatched up a blanket and tried to covered our stash.


With sleep in her eyes and a soft little whine,

She asked me to sleep with her just one more time.


So back to the bedroom I hurried her along,

Because there was still so much to do before the dawn.


I sang softly to her and rubbed her sweet face,

and truly tried to enjoy the moments in her embrace.


But in the back of mind I knew how much I had left to do.

And prayed that just this one night she would actually sleep through.


Then I glanced at her laying so peaceful and innocent,

and I forgot about all of my wrapping for a minute.


Her tiny little nose, those beautiful eyelashes where her lids meet.

Those sweet little hands folded up by her cheek


A baby no more, “practically a grown up” she’s told me,

Let’s slow down sweet child you’re not even 3


But she is the reason — both her and her sister,

That I go through hoops to make it perfect each winter.


I needed to step back, look around, and be thankful —

For not the gifts, but these sweet babies that I am ever so grateful.


After a few more kisses I snuck out once again

And realized it was already a quarter past 10.


History has taught me that was the first wake up but wouldn’t be the last.

If I was going to get this done, I’d have to move fast.


I got to wrapping much quicker with less time to spare —

Really, they don’t care about the appearance — they want what’s in there.


Another wake up, another escape,

More hiding, more wrapping and finally a break.


It’s not perfect, but hey, it will have to do.

After all, it is already half past 2.


Now to clean up and remove all the evidence that I actually did it all —

Which is really such a crock

But I guess that’s society’s call.


A few quick bites of cookies, a swig of some milk,

And finally it was time for bed myself.


As I crawled into bed after I turned out the light,

I thought Merry Chri- “Mom, can I sleep with you tonight?”


This time it’s the 4-year-old, how could I say no?

So I moved closer to Daddy and off to dreamland we’d go.


Ha! Or so I thought, then I heard two more little feet.

Climb on in, sweetie. After all, Santa really doesn’t sleep.

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So many things to do, but snuggles beckon. many things to do, but snuggles beckon.

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.