Real Life Mama: Let’s count memories

One day you’re an eager child waiting for Christmas and the next day you’re a parent trying to avoid gaining that extra Christmas weight. Truly it goes that fast — from counting presents under the tree to counting calories.

But, you see, I have so many other things to count this time of year and I just don’t have time to count the incline of those numbers on the scale.

I mean, I’m too busy counting presents to make sure my girls have an even amount for Christmas morning. And I’m counting dollars in my bank account to make sure I have enough for that one last gift that they have to have — over and over. I’m calculating how much I have spent and vowing to never go overboard on Christmas again. Ha!

I’m busy adding up how many days off I have to grab some last minute items, how many nights I have left to wrap the way too many gifts purchased, and how many more times I have to move that darn elf. And I’m truly counting on friends posting pictures of fun things that their elf does so ours does more than ride the tops of curtains for the remainder of the season.

I’m also figuring out how many days of school are left, how many Sundays of church remain, and how many fun Christmas events we have planned before Christmas so I can make sure each new and hand me down Christmas outfit will get worn. All the while I am trying to calculate how many more pairs of white leggings I will need since they have now all turned pink from being washed with red dresses and, inevitably, have permanent knee stains as well. Why is it that almost every Christmas dress/outfit looks best with the one color you should never put on a 2 year old?

And in between all that counting, I’m sending invites to my husband, sisters and parents’ phone calendars to make sure they know which days we have to drive around and look at Christmas lights, see holiday shows, visit Christmas tree festivals, take a shopping trip and bake Christmas cookies.

Speaking of cookies, I’m busy baking memories with my babies — counting cups of flour, sugar and candies during our annual baking day. And the girls and I are the best at counting — or rather not counting — how many Reese cup minis need opened for the peanut butter cookies. We simply open them all and magically always happen to need the exact amount that we don’t eat. And we don’t care to worry about just how many that is.

And while I’m threatening to keep track of every outburst, and warning my baby girls that Santa is watching and only brings good little girls gifts, I also purposely stop counting the minutes we are past bedtime so we can cuddle up on the couch in front of the tree for just a little while longer.

Because this season goes so fast. And, although it can be full of stress while trying to prepare all of the figures that go into one magical day, that amazing day doesn’t even compare to the joy and memories made in the weeks preceding it.

And in the back of my head, I’m also counting down how many more Christmases I will have where my innocent babies believe in the magic and spirit of Santa. And how quick their little lives are going already. I mean this is Maylie’s fifth Christmas already! Really though, how many childhood Christmases do we actually have to make an impact on holiday traditions and memories that they will cherish forever?

And, honestly, I don’t want their memories filled with me fretting over Christmas goodies and what I can or can’t eat. Because the truth is, whether I am 120 pounds, 250 pounds or anywhere in between, my girls could truly care less. What matters to them is that I am here with them — carefree and together as we celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.

So, I think I’ll hold off this year on holding off and the stress accompanying the holiday diet. Instead, let’s eat the cookies and maybe even pile on the icing extra thick. Let’s lick our fingers, the bowl and the spatula and let’s enjoy every second of it.

For I have far too many things to balance this time of year, and I refuse to let the scale hinder our holiday fun. After all, I have a lifetime to concentrate on counting calories, so this year I think I’ll just focus on making our Christmas memories count.

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Tree festivals and holiday shows and drives to look at lights all add up to good memories. festivals and holiday shows and drives to look at lights all add up to good memories.

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.