Real Life Mama: Giving and giving

I am a mother — a giver. In fact, if you look up “mother” in the dictionary there should be a one word definition: giver. Because that’s what moms do — we give. Sometimes, it feels like that is all that I do.

From giving baths, kisses, timeouts, backrubs, cuddles, toilet paper, pinky promises and even the food off of my plate when the baby barely touches her dinner and only wants to eat mine, I give. From the second my feet hit the floor for a breakfast request, until the moment my head hits the pillow to think about the next day’s deeds, I am in full-blown giving mode.

Sometimes it’s medicine, sometimes it’s milk, other times its just my undivided attention and love — playtime on the floor, being the pretend sick patient, coloring masterpieces, building empires or reading the same book over and over. If that is what I feel is needed by my babies at that time, then that is what I give them.

Many times, though, it’s the giving of instructions — go potty, wash your hands, clean up your mess, don’t pinch your sister, say I’m sorry, you have to share or I’m taking it away from both of you, don’t lick that! Seriously, don’t! It’s gross!

Oh, and I have become a master at giving warnings — multiple warnings. Usually, they start out as sweet requests and turn into punishments — typically over something as simple as Velcro sneakers that would have taken 30 seconds to put on.

And guess what I give myself. Lists and reminders. Don’t forget about show and tell. Pack the dance bag. Don’t forget extra undies and pants just in case. Wednesday is this and Friday is that. Vacuum, dust, sweep, mop, change sheets, toilets, dishes — repeat.

Pretty much every day, I give up sleep, freedom, privacy and solo trips to the bathroom. And some days, I just plain give in. I literally cannot look at those socks sitting there in the middle of the floor anymore, it’s late, and I have given up on the lesson for that night because I have been giving all day.

And, when all has been given at home, I get to go to work and give to my career.

Giving of myself every single moment of every single day can be completely exhausting and entirely overwhelming. There are many times when I literally feel like I have given it all and there is no way I can give anymore to anyone. It is then that I stop and give my most important give of all.

I give thanks to God.

I thank Him for the wonderful life He has given me — the many gifts He has entrusted me with. For the ability, desire, energy (and coffee) to be the giver of my girls every single day.

For the food messes to clean up, which means my babies are being fed. For the piles and piles of laundry which means my girls have clothes to wear. For the dishes in the sink and the dirty toilets which means we have running water. For a house to clean which means we have a roof over our heads. For the bills to be paid and all the stress and worries which means I am still alive to get up and give another day.

Because it really is the best, being the giver. I mean there’s nothing better than waking up and giving big hugs and kisses to the two little sweeties who may or may not have been in our bed for half the night. It’s giving praise when Maylie learns to write a new letter or Reagan earns another sticker on her potty chart. And watching their faces beam with excitement as they see how proud they make me.

It’s baby girls running to the door when I get home from work with smiles on their faces as they wrap their arms around my neck. It’s a request for milk, or a snack, or a snuggle and giving it to them knowing that they not only need me but they want me which is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Sure, it’s hard — it can be completely draining. But somehow, God always provides — not only the strength to give on, but also the ability to see the joy in the journey. And at the end of the day, it’s the most rewarding calling of all — and one I am so thankful for.

I am a mother — a giver. And whenever I reach that point where I am certain that I have been given more than I can take, I simply stop and thank God for actually giving me so much more than I deserve.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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The life of a mother, a giver, can be exhausting if you let it. life of a mother, a giver, can be exhausting if you let it.

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.