Wapak boys, girls repeat

First Posted: 2/14/2015

LIMA — The Wapakoneta boys and girls successfully defended their Division II sectional crowns at the Lima YMCA on Saturday.

The Wapak boys finished with 521 points with Shawnee (327), Upper Sandusky (190), Ada (166) and Minster (158) rounding out the top five.

Charlie Sutton was a double individual winner for Wapak in the 50-yard freestyle and the 100 freestyle. He was also a member of the winning 200 medley relay team along with Michael Johnston, Hayden Metzger and Ryan Schneider.

Wesley Ruedebusch (200 freestyle), Metzger (200 IM), Schneider (100 butterfly), Caleb Schlenker (500 freestyle) and Johnston (100 backstroke) all were individual winners for Wapak.

Brock Fletcher of Shawnee won the diving while Cobie Mikesell, Noah Curl, Chris Soules and Joey Ellis teamed up to win the 200 and 400 freestyle relays for the Indians.

Mitchell Wilcox of Ada won the 100 breaststroke.

The Wapak girls finished with 420 points followed by Minster (294.5), Kenton (292), Shawnee (204) and St. Marys (201.5).

Josie Miller (50 freestyle), Sierra Sammons (100 freestyle) and Jordyn Law (100 backstroke) were individual winners for the Redskins. Law, Mya Hager, Miller and Sammons joined forces to win the 200 medley and 400 freestyle relays. Abbi Gesler along with Miller, Sammons and Law won the 200 freestyle relay.

Shawnee’s Aleah Hixenbaugh won the 200 and 500 freestyles while Minster’s Nikki Borgerding (200 IM), St. Marys’ Madison Taylor (diving) and Sierra Braun (100 butterfly) and Kenton’s Mo Gray (100 breaststroke) were all individual event winners.

Lima Senior was the only Division I school to compete. Madison Hursch won the girls 500 freestyle and 100 backstroke. The Spartans’ Taylor Mericle won the girls 50 and 100 freestyles.

Ayersville sectional

AYERSVILLE — The Ottawa-Glandorf boys won the the Division II team title with 435 points followed by Celina (376), Wauseon (354), Van Wert (191) and Defiance (187).

O-G’s Luke Kleman won the 100 freestyle and joined Ben Sealts, Trent Basinger and Nick Fenbert in winning the 400 freestyle relay.

Celina’s Jared Fleagle won the 200 freestyle and the 100 butterfly and was part of the winning 200 medley relay team along with Ian Darras, Grant Guggenbiller and Mason Baker. Fleagle was also on the first-place 200 freestyle team along with Guggenbiller, Garrett Weininger and Baker. Darras also won the 100 breaststroke and Baker triumpheed in the 50 freestyle. Caleb Keck of Coldwater won the diving competition.

Bowling Green with 486 points won the girls event followed by Ottawa-Glandorf (437), Anthony Wayne (359) and Celina (355).

The O-G 200 medley relay team of Kathryn Samuelson, Brooke Kleman, Michaela Nordhaus and Briana Fenbert finished first. Samuelson also won the 100 backstroke.

Celina’s Megan Muhlenkamp won the 50 freestyle and 100 breastroke and joined McKenna Black, Amanda Slechter and Cami Dzendzel in winning the 200 freestyle relay. Sawyer Weitzel of Celina was the diving winner.

District qualifiers are scheduled to be announced today. Go to OHSAA.org for further information.