Stop Common Core now

First Posted: 2/3/2015

Ohio adopted Common Core curriculum. This curriculum is wrong and we as parents need to research Common Core and find out what it’s about.

I have found Common Core has drastically changed the way our children learn math. They take a simple math problem and add several steps, which is taking more time to teach and more time for the children to learn.

Common Core has taken local control away.

Common Core is an experiment on our children and has never been tested or proved anywhere.

With Common Core, children are constantly taking tests and assessments and data are collected on our children. These tests take away valuable educational time from our children and don’t count as a grade on their report cards.

From my understanding, our school may add 10 additional two-hour delays so teachers can learn more about the new Common Core standards.

From my research, Common Core history books have been written and much of our history that we know has been manipulated and changed.

Common Core is federally mandated and money driven. A few states have already repealed Common Core. Help stop Common Core.

Write or call Gov. John Kasich and all your state representatives. Go to Ohioans Against Common Core and print a form to opt your child out of Common Core unnecessary tests and assessments. Also like Facebook pages Lima-Allen County Parents Against Common Core, Putnam County Parents Teachers Against Common Core and Hancock County Parents and Teachers Against Common Core. These sites will keep you updated on what’s going on.

Print your opt out form and turn it in ASAP as PARCC testing starts Feb. 16.