So much for global warming

First Posted: 3/3/2015

The sky is not falling.

Once again, I read in article about how man is producing all this carbon dioxide, and it’s causing climate change. This time it was by a Bluffton professor.

I have one question. Since CO2 is heavier than air, how can it be a greenhouse gas? It’s heavier than air, which means it’s at ground level, so plants can take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Any eighth-grade science class knows that! If the concentration of CO2 is as great as the government wants you to believe, we would all be panting like dogs because it would be displacing our oxygen.

Last summer at the Midwest Electric annual meeting, they showed a program using the EPA’s own figures. It showed the U.S. had not only leveled off, but has been dropping in emissions and greenhouse gas. China on the other hand was skyrocketing. Let’s send the EPA to China and see what happens. The EPA closed four or five coal fired power plants due to CO2 emissions and last winter electric suppliers were telling customers to conserve because they were maxed out. Natural gas suppliers were telling their customers the same thing.

So much for global warming!

Ron Shook Sr.
