Police calls

First Posted: 2/26/2015

70 block of Town Square, Lima — A man reported that while he was away from his apartment Thursday, someone broke into his apartment and stole over $800 worth of electronic equipment and cash.

500 block of Harrison Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of domestic violence Wednesday.

700 block of South Main Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of breaking and entering Wednesday.

700 block of North Elizabeth Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of theft Wednesday.

400 block of Albert Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of breaking and entering Wednesday.

1400 block of East Fourth Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of an assault Wednesday.

700 block of College Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of breaking and entering Wednesday.

People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column, but are identified through published court dispositions. This column is only a sample of available reports.