No unions? Think about it

First Posted: 3/10/2015

I am responding to the article posted Feb 27th titled, “Walker ready for terrorists.”

Wisconsin Governor Scott walker dropped the ball with his slam of unions and his comparison to terrorists. Unions fight for the working men and women in the United States. Terrorists want to kill every man and woman in the United States. Governor Walker did a great disservice to the union policeman, fireman, teachers, etc who are there to protect you and your families and to teach your children. Not to mention all of the other hard working union trades.

Without unions you would not have the five-day work week, any breaks including lunch break, paid vacation, FMLA, sick leave, social security, minimum wage, eight-hour work day, overtime pay, child labor laws, OSHA, workers compensation, unemployment insurance, pensions, workplace safety standards and regulations, employer health-care insurance, collective bargaining rights for employees, wrongful termination laws, ADEA, whistleblower protection laws, VETS, ADA, sexual harassment laws, holiday pay, laws ending sweatshops in the United States, etc…. I cant list them all and there are many more.

My question to everyone that has a job, union or non-union: Which of those benefits do you want to give up first if right-to-work goes nationwide? Believe me when I say that each and every one of those rights are being stripped one at a time until all memories of unions are gone completely. You think you have it bad now? Wait until all worker protection unions are gone.

— Jack Miller,Boilermaker Local 85, Lima Building Trades