Intake switch causes taste, odor issues in Lima water

First Posted: 3/16/2015

LIMA — Lima residents experienced unusual water issues late Saturday and Sunday after the city’s water department switched its intake source.

The department began taking water in from the new Williams Reservoir late last week, switching from Bresler Reservoir. This caused water to run through a little-used 1.5 miles of pipeline, bringing an unusual taste and odor with it.

“This is only the second time that we’ve used that line,” utilities Director Gary Sheely said. “When it’s not being used and is not circulating, it builds up some odors, similar to a musty basement.”

It took about 24 to 36 hours for the affected water to be treated at the plant, according to Sheely. The plant has a granular activated carbon filter that is not run during the winter months. However, when officials were notified of the issue, they activated the filter, which removed the taste and odor.

Sheely emphasized the water was safe the entire time.

“The water all the way through the process meets state standards, so there were no issues, per se, with the sanitary issues of the water,” he said. “Other than the taste and odor, it was perfectly safe to drink.”

Despite these assertions, Lima resident Rose Cleveland maintains that she suffered ill effects after drinking the water on Saturday.

“I’m still feeling quesy to my stomach,” she said. “I still have a metallic taste in my mouth. I don’t think the water’s safe to drink.”

Cleveland, who lives in the vicinity of Allen Correctional Institution, said she vomited twice on Sunday after drinking the water, having felt perfectly fine the day before.

“I even filtered it through a Brita system,” she said. “I could even taste it in my tea.”

Cleveland is hoping to flush the water out of her system through bottled water, but noted that she will contact her physician if her symptoms persist.

According to Sheely, the water department is implementing new operating procedures for changing intake lines in the wake of this incident that should prevent any similar issues.

“It’s a learning experience for our people, too,” he said.