No feud with Jim Jordan

First Posted: 3/9/2015

In light of The Lima News March 5 editorial “Boehner out to punish Jim Jordan,” I’d like to set the record straight on key facts surrounding recent debate on Department of Homeland Security funding in the U.S. House.

In January the House did its job by passing legislation to fund DHS and stop the president’s executive actions on immigration. Unfortunately, Democrats in the Senate stayed united and blocked our bill. This left three paths:

• a DHS shutdown

• another short-term funding bill

• or the clean funding bill passed by the Senate.

With more active threats coming into the homeland, a DHS shutdown was not an option. Imagine if, God forbid, another terrorist attack hits the United States. Another short-term funding measure would have allowed us to keep pressure on Senate Democrats to do the right thing, but unfortunately that plan did not get 218 votes to pass the House. Moving on the Senate-passed bill was the only remaining choice.

I am as outraged and frustrated as anyone by the lawless and unconstitutional actions of this president. The good news is that the president’s executive action has been stopped, for now. This matter will continue to be litigated in the courts, where we have our best chance of winning this fight.

As this process plays out, it is important that Republicans stay together in working to defend our Constitution and advance better, positive solutions to make a difference for American families. While laws prevent members of Congress or their staff from coordinating with outside groups, attacks on Republican members of Congress aren’t appropriate – and I hope that other Republicans will join me in speaking out about conservative groups that regularly resort to these tactics. If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s President Reagan’s 11th Commandment.

Jim Jordan is a good friend and a strong voice for the people of western Ohio. I will continue working closely with him, and all the members of our Ohio delegation, and I hope next time The Lima News will choose to reach out to my office before printing such a baseless piece.