Police calls

First Posted: 1/8/2015

1415 Bellfontaine Ave., Lima — Police responded to the Rite Aid Wednesday to a man who overdosed on pills. When police transported him to the hospital for treatment, he did not have any pills on his person, so it was unclear what pills he took.

800 block of West Wayne Street, Lima — While incarcerated Wednesday, a woman expressed to police that she was worried someone would rob her house while she was in custody. She called a friend to check on her house, the friend checked and found two women inside robbing the home. Multiple items were taken. No arrests have been made in connection to the theft.

700 block of Oak Street, Lima — A man called LPD Wednesday to report his car stereo and vehicle battery were stolen from his car that was parked in his driveway.

500 block of West McKibben Street, Lima — Officers responded to a woman who was not breathing Wednesday. She admitted to doing heroin and officers found evidence of other drug paraphernalia at the scene. She was treated at Street Rita’s Medical Center and released into custody of the sheriff.

600 block of North Jameson Street, Lima — Officers responded to an argument that turned physical Wednesday.

620 West Market Street, Lima — Officers responded to an incident at the Allen County Museum Thursday where a woman reported her side mirror of her car had been knocked off. Officers responded to a second incident with the same victim who reported her car’s antenna had been bent. She believed both incidents are intentional.

1220 East Elm Street, Lima — A female employee of Kids Paradise Pediatrics in Lima Thursday to report harassment of another woman who continuously called the business’ lines, preventing others from calling in.

700 block of Broadway Street, Lima — A woman called the LPD Thursday to report items missing from her home after a man left her home.

2200 block of Lake Circle Drive, Lima — A woman called the LPD Thursday to report her medication was stolen.

People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column, but are identified through published court dispositions. This column is only a sample of available reports.