Cridersville man guilty in Wisconsin child sex case

First Posted: 4/6/2015

NEW RICHMOND, Wis. — A Cridersville man who traveled to Wisconsin to have sex with a 15-year-old boy will face up to 10 years in prison when he is sentenced this summer.

Tyler S. Nye, 23, pleaded no contest to sexual assault of the third degree, which is nonconsensual sexual intercourse, said St. Croix County Assistant District Attorney Michael Nieskes.

Nieskes said he is recommending Nye serve six months in jail and three years probation. Nye also will have to register as a sex offender for 15 years. Sentencing was scheduled for July 6.

Nye remains out of jail on bond, Nieskes said.

Nye was arrested March 1, 2014, after officers in Wisconsin came across a car in a park with windows fogged over. An officer discovered Nye and a 15-year-old boy inside, undressed and underneath a blanket, according to records from the New Richmond Police Department.

Officers questioned the two and discovered Nye was from Cridersville. He drove up to Wisconsin to meet the 15-year-old boy for a sexual relationship after meeting on the Internet nearly a year earlier.

Nye made two statements to police, telling officers they both cared for each other and were in a relationship. He admitted to having sex with the teen but said the teen was the one pushing to have sex, according to police records.

Initially, Nye told an officer he was 18 and the teen was 16. He then admitted to knowing the boy’s true age while telling the officer he was 22.

Nye told the officer he understood it was in violation of the law to have sex with a 15-year-old boy but thought it was OK since he is in a relationship with the teenager. He told the officer he “didn’t rape him,” and that he was “not a pedophile,” according to police reports.

He also told the officer he worked at a child day care center in Hilliard with no problems.

Nye told police he met the boy online and chatted with him that way numerous times for nearly a year. He said they met in person in the past but nothing of a sexual nature occurred.

Nye told an officer the two loved each other, and the teen asked Nye to marry him.