Soup kitchen ousts director

First Posted: 4/1/2015

LIMA — A local soup kitchen is looking for a new executive director after dismissing its former director Tuesday.

The governing board for Our Daily Bread dismissed director Stephen Jenkins on Tuesday effective immediately.

“Stephen has served in the community since 1989 with 24 years in child welfare,” according to his profile on Our Daily Bread’s website, “He came here having served first as a volunteer, then as a board member, and then in 2010 he stepped into being the Executive Director with the passing of the previous director, Aaron Griffith.”

After reaching out to him via Facebook, Jenkins declined to offer specifics on the circumstances leading up to his dismissal, noting that the facility’s board has the authority to make this move.

“Board governance is a complicated thing that takes many people from different disciplines and attempts to have unity and cohesion towards a common purpose,” he wrote in a direct message. “They are the governing body that makes decisions.”

He pointed out that the board meetings are open to the public and are held at 7 p.m. the second Monday of each month, with the exception of April, when it will be held on the third Monday.

“The public, patrons, investors [and] supporters are urged to attend these meetings to oversee that board governance,” he wrote. “Due diligence is paramount and in the best interest of those who believe in the cause of that organization that it can continue. It is in the best interest of the patrons. There is no margin of complacency, only that they as the board are accountable to the public.”

Attempts to contact Our Daily Bread were unsuccessful. No official word has been given as to who will replace Jenkins as executive director.