Police calls

First Posted: 3/26/2015

200 block of South Kenilworth Avenue, Lima — A woman reported that someone removed her temporary license plate from her vehicle Thursday.

100 block of East High Street, Lima — A man reported that a woman was visiting his home Thursday. When she left, he noticed his wallet was missing.

1300 block of Chestnut Street, Lima — A woman reported that while her foster child was playing with neighborhood kids Wednesday, he was beaten by one of them.

800 block of West Wayne Street, Lima — Officers were dispatched to a report of a burglary Wednesday. Items taken include a television and game console.

West Wayne and North West streets, Lima — A two-vehicle accident occurred Wednesday when a woman made a left-handed turn onto a one-way street. She said she was unfamiliar with the area and was confused.

601 W. Market St., Lima — A man reported that while he was at a Shell Gas Station Wednesday, he left his wallet behind by accident. When he later returned, he was told that his wallet was turned in, but his cash was missing.

400 block of Prospect Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of a domestic violence Wednesday.

400 block of North Central Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of a fight in progress Wednesday.

3500 block of St. Johns Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of theft Wednesday.

300 block of Mullen Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of breaking and entering Wednesday.

600 block of North Collett Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of domestic violence where the suspect was present Thursday.

1000 block of Faurot Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of domestic violence Thursday.

People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column, but are identified through published court dispositions. This column is only a sample of available reports.