Council to vote on graffiti ordinance

First Posted: 3/22/2015

LIMA — After a review by the city’s Public Works Committee, Lima City Council will vote on amending the city’s graffiti ordinance during Monday’s meeting, scheduled for 7 p.m. at the municipal building.

The Public Works Committee finalized work on the legislation during its March 15 meeting, authorizing the city Law Department to draft the legislation.

“The increasing incidents of the defacement of public and private property through the application of graffiti upon walls, rocks, bridges, buildings, fences, gates, other structures, trees and other real and personal property within the corporate boundaries of the City constitutes a blight on this community and encourages illegal activity,” the legislation reads. “Therefore, in the interests of health, safety and general welfare of the residents and taxpayers of the City, immediate steps must be taken to remove this blight.”

Along with forbidding property owners and occupants from permitting graffiti on any part of their properties, the legislation also outlines the steps the city will take to remove graffiti once discovered, including abatement notices in which property owners have 48 hours to either sign a waiver allowing the city to remove the graffiti at no cost or pledge to remove it themselves within seven days. If neither action is taken, a lien could be placed against the property for the cost of removal. The legislation also notes that anyone in violation of it would be guilty of a minor misdemeanor and subject to a $150 fine, as well as a $250 civil penalty.

Adopting the ordinance would require a two-thirds majority and would take effect immediately if approved.

A full agenda for Monday’s council meeting is available at