Police calls

First Posted: 3/18/2015

East Seventh Street and Central Avenue, Lima — A woman was assaulted by a man, whom she lives with Tuesday.

2300 block of Wales Avenue, Lima — A man reported that someone broke into his vehicle and stole a firearm from his center console Tuesday.

2500 block of West Market Street, Lima — A man reported that an unknown person entered his vehicle by unknown means Tuesday. There were no signs of forced entry. He reported that school-related materials were stolen.

800 block of Deborah Street, Lima — A woman reported Tuesday that she borrowed an ex-roommate’s purse over the weekend and when she dumped out the purse’s contents, she found a glass crack pipe. She reported that her ex-roommate also stole property from her.

700 block of Weadock Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of destruction of property Tuesday.

1100 block of Carlisle Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of a fight in progress Tuesday.

400 block of Albert Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of an assault Tuesday.

South West Street and South Shore Drive, Lima — Officers responded to a report of an intoxicated person Tuesday.

1500 block of South Main Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of an intoxicated person Tuesday.

2500 block of West Market Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of a theft Wednesday.

500 block of Ontario Street, Lima — Officers responded to a report of breaking and entering Wednesday.

400 block of Glenwood Avenue, Lima — Officers responded to a report of breaking and entering Wednesday.

People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column, but are identified through published court dispositions. This column is only a sample of available reports.