Game of chance pays dividends

First Posted: 3/3/2015

LIMA — Rottery is a game of chance played at Rotary Meetings on a weekly basis.

It is a giving combination of Rotary and a 50-50 drawingy. Rotarians generously give money weekly towards this game which in turn helps charities and organizations that need their support. Donating money to charities quarterly from this 50/50 game…this is what Rotary is all about. …giving back!

Lima’s Rotarians have generously donated more than $28,000 in the last five years to the following organizations:

• Literary Council

• “Campus Wear” city schools

• United Way

• SOS Lima Senior High

• Red Cross

• West Ohio Food Bank

• Haiti Relief

• Family Promise

• Bradfield Center

• Meals to Monday


• Teddy Bear Fund

• Equestrian Therapy

• Lima Symphony

• Men’s Rescue Mission

• Allen County Health Partners

• Human Society

• Polio Plus

• Samaritan House

• Art Ability

• Allen County Child Rens Serv.

• Disabilities Baseball