Helping others through education

First Posted: 3/3/2015

In an effort to promote higher education and encourage students to complete their education in Allen County, the Lima Rotary Club began a scholarship program in 2001. It has had a tremendous impact, having awarded $535,000 in scholarships to more than 800 students.

Applicants must live or work in Allen County, must attend an educational institution in Allen County, and must be working toward a degree or certification. The scholarships started out at $500 and were later increased to $750.

“About 90 to 95 percent of the people who received scholarships seem to go into some form of health care,” said scholarship committee chair Bill Timmermeister.

The scholarship program is supported, in part, by the proceeds from the Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing, held every July. Rex was a Past President of the Lima Rotary Club, the founder of the Perry Corporation, and had a love for helping people to achieve their goals. Rotarians enjoy a fun day of fellowship on the links, while knowing they’re supporting an outstanding cause.