Police calls

First Posted: 2/19/2015

2200 block of Lake Circle Drive, Lima — A woman told police that she was assaulted Wednesday. The incident remains under investigation.

400 S. Scott St., Lima — A man called LPD to report that someone spray painted graffiti on the east side of the Wings of Deliverance church in Lima on Wednesday.

835 Delphos Ave., Lima — On Wednesday, a woman called the LPD to report a theft from The Landing Strip in Lima while maintenance was being conducted on the building. There was a donation jar on the counter inside the business, and a man was observed stealing money from the jar on Saturday.

500 block of Hazel Avenue, Lima — A woman stated that while someone she knew was staying at her house Tuesday, items from her home were stolen.

400 block of Lewis Boulevard, Lima — Officers responded to a report of an unconscious person Thursday.

People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column, but are identified through published court dispositions. This column is only a sample of available reports.