Latta, Jordan vote to repeal Obamacare

First Posted: 2/4/2015

WASHINGTON — Many voted for legislation Wednesday in the U.S. House of Representatives that would eventually repeal the Affordable Care Act.

U.S. Rep. Bob Latta, R-Bowling Green, is one of many who voted in support of H.R. 596. The legislation also instructs committee chairmen to craft better solutions to reform health care in America, according to a news release from Latta’s office.

The Affordable Care Act is commonly referred to as “Obamacare.”

The bill would “repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, and for other purposes,” according to the Library of Congress.

“Obamacare’s negative impacts on job creation and economic growth reach far and wide,” Latta said in a written statement. “With the majority of Americans still opposing the president’s signature law, it is important that we continue to take steps to repeal and replace Obamacare with substantive solutions.

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan also gave comment on the vote.

“Obamacare was a bad bill, sold deceptively to the American people, and we’ve been having buyer’s remorse ever since,” he said.

“Obamacare was sold to the American people on the false promises that it would reduce health care costs, allow individuals to keep their preferred doctors, and allow individuals to keep the plans they had and liked,” Latta said.