Activate Allen County: Food deserts

First Posted: 4/3/2015

We have been discussing the term food deserts for quite some time now. We know them as areas where residents experience poor access to healthy and affordable food options for a variety of reasons. We know that there are 12 different food deserts in Allen County alone, with the majority of these lying within the city limits. We know the need.

The question remains: What is being done to focus efforts on these communities and work to change the communities in these areas? The answer is that many community leaders and residents are working to increase the access to healthy foods to the residents in these areas. Some of these programs include the Mobile Produce Market run by the West Ohio Food Bank, Healthy Happens Here where produce is brought into county small stores and the county Active Transportation Plan to assist in making it easier for residents to access different areas in the county. These and other programs exist in Allen County.

Most recently, the Allen County Food Council was born with a goal to continue to address our food landscape and continue to expand our work around areas of food access. The Allen County Food Council was formed in April 2014 as a part of the community vision where Allen County is a place where residents thrive and have equitable access to good, healthy and affordable food. The mission of this council is to work to create a community where:

• Everyone eats healthy, affordable food and no one goes hungry.

• Food businesses are thriving, multiplying and hiring local residents.

• People have the skills and knowledge they need to choose and cook healthy food.

• Collaboration is strengthened among residents, government, community organizations, and neighborhood groups to improve our food environment.

The Allen County Food Council is a multi-faceted team of community leaders. The council’s first task was to create a local food assessment as the first and major step in determining the focus and direction of the group. The council’s Food System Assessment of Allen County, Ohio serves two functions. One being it is a tool that the council can use to determine what local-food assets the region/county has and where those are and aid in the development of a plan to connect and maintain those assets as well as add to them. Secondly, it is a resource for public policymakers, business leaders and community members to learn the value of local food to the regional economy and health of the population.

On April 22, 2015, our local food council will be hosting representatives from the USDA Food and Nutrition Division here in Lima. The focus of this visit will be presentations and discussion around what has been taking place here in the community around food access and what opportunities may be foreseeable in the future. In addition, the Allen County Food Council will unveil the Allen County Food Assessment. Our hope is that many community members engage in our planning for the future by reading the assessment and providing comments. For more information or questions, please contact the Activate Allen County office at 419-221-5035.