No surprise Berger likes Obamcare

First Posted: 3/30/2015

I had to chuckle when I read Mayor David Berger’s column regarding the Affordable Care Act.

That Berger is singing the praises of another federal program forced upon Americans should come as no surprise. He has been a lifetime government employee, with strong liberal and socialist leanings.

According to him, Obama’s health care scheme is a “historic change for the better for all of us.”


I have spoken to many folks who now pay higher premiums, larger co-pays and have to go with a higher deductible to get the same coverage they had previously. Remember, “you can keep your insurance.”

Some have dropped their insurance entirely and paid the “penalty” because they can no longer afford it. Of course these are people who work for a living, pay their bills and are not living on government funds.

How about business owners? What is it costing them? How many workers have been forced to part time because employers can’t afford to cover health insurance costs mandated by the federal government?

Any time the federal government moves in to make things better, look out. While the original intention many be to make things better, the opposite is always the result. Higher costs, more paperwork, more fraud and mismanagement.

In this case, more IRS workers, and more bureaucracy.

I’m sure Berger and socialists across America love these programs. They lock in a huge number of Democratic votes.

The plan is nothing more than another form of forced redistribution of wealth and the destruction of more of our freedoms.

The “Affordable” Care Act? I don’t think so.