Trucking group against 75 mph

First Posted: 3/27/2015

In a recent editorial, The Lima News editorial board opposed the proposed increase in the speed limit and we couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, the editorial purported that the Ohio Trucking Association “touts the economic benefits of being able to transport goods more quickly throughout the state.” But that premise is simply false; the Ohio Trucking Association does not believe that increasing the speed limits will improve economic benefit to the industry.

From an economic benefit standpoint, there is a point of diminishing returns, which in terms of speed is between 62-65 mph. After that fuel economy goes down and wear on the engine increases, thus making it less profitable. Therefore proving the unwarranted assumption, increased speed limits is economically beneficial to the industry.

We do believe that increasing the speed limit will have a negative impact on the safety of our roadways.

Most concerning to the industry in the debate on the proposed transportation bill were two issues. First, was the speed limit differential between passenger vehicles and commercial motor vehicles. The second was the increase in the speed limit. Both have been proven to make the roadways less safe and highway safety is paramount to the trucking industry.

For the trucking industry, increasing the speed limits is bad for business and bad for the safety of Ohio’s freeways. Which is why the Ohio Trucking Association is opposed to the increase in the speed limit and differential speed limits, and was happy when the Senate pulled the proposal from the transportation bill.

— Thomas A. Balzer, President, Ohio Trucking Association