Boehner’s column total nonsense

First Posted: 3/20/2015

Pardon me, Mr. Speaker, but I remain skeptical even after reading your column in The Lima News.

First of all, it’s impossible to “shut down” the Department of Homeland Security. The only way to shut it down would be to abolish the department since 83 percent of DHS employees are classified as “essential personnel.” They are required to show up for work no matter what, with the understanding that they will be paid at a later date. The country’s security would never have been at risk.

Why is the Republican Party so hell bent on attacking its conservative base? For the most part these are God fearing, patriotic people who continue to believe in American greatness and exceptionalism. They also believe in the rule of law and have a great respect and love for the U.S. Constitution. We support our military, want our southern border closed and are against illegal immigration. We also want a balanced budget and to see Obamacare repealed. These were all things that you and your buddy, Mitch McConnell, campaigned on and then abandoned once you were reelected.

The fight now must be taken up by ordinary citizens and the few brave members of Congress like Jordan, Lee and Cruz. Someone has to stop this Imperial President and his unconstitutional executive orders. We didn’t leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left us.

— Mary L. Morscheck, Lafayette