Doctor’s firing about bottom line

First Posted: 3/20/2015

To answer the Rev. John Medaugh’s question, “What were you thinking man,” in The Lima News on March 17 (“Doctor’s dismissal a travesty”) — money, the bottom line, money.

My husband is also a stage 4 lung cancer patient. He has had in-patient and also out-patient procedures at OSU-Arthur James Cancer Hospital.

Due to weakness and the four-hour round trip travel time, with the blessing of his Columbus oncologist, we elected to have chemo with Dr. Henry Gerad due in large part to his “let’s fight this” attitude. Imagine my husband’s sadness and anxiety after treatment one, and all the time he spent with our family, there is no Dr. Gerad.

Mr. Baxter, I am sure corporate is smiling at you. The Sisters of Mercy who founded St. Rita’s on the promise of mercy, are not smiling down on you. This is no longer their hospital. I am glad I was employed there while they were in charge.