Dr. Gerad a life-saver

First Posted: 3/17/2015

I am writing in support of Dr. Henry Gerad.

In February 1999, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. He was my oncologist. The course of treatment he planned for me is the reason I am still here today.

Many of my friends who work or worked as nurses at St. Rita’s through the years look at me in amazement and say, “You shouldn’t still be here.”

Gerad (along with my surgeon and a doctor of gynecology oncology in Toledo) are the reason that I am still here. And again it was Gerad who guided my course of treatment.

Gerad was also the oncologist for my niece and my sister when they were in treatment for breast cancer. My sister called Gerad “her angel.”

I remember how frightened I was when diagnosed and throughout treatment. I can imagine how devastated Gerad’s current patients must be right now.

While I possibly do not have all the facts concerning this situation — only what I read in the paper — I have to ask, where is the “mercy” in all of this.

Thank you, Dr. Gerad, for also being “my hero.”