Giant thorn to The Lima News

First Posted: 3/10/2015

Grade cards? The Lima News editorializes, repeatedly, about the Lima City Schools annual state report cards. There is never any worthwhile analysis of factors involved, such as the level of poverty, or the home conditions of many of the LCS students. That, in itself, is a major problem.

I have commented, many times, about the inadequacies of The Lima News and that Jim Krumel should award his own company a huge “thorn” the next time he chooses to award the LCS one over their grades on the report card, which he has done several times.

I have seen repeated articles under different headlines in the same paper, repeated entire pages in the same paper, numerous spelling mistakes, numerous grammatical mistakes, wrong pictures accompanying articles, and on and on. Now, today, March 9, 2015 on the front page of The Lima News is a bold headline stating “School spents over $2.27m on ADS”!!!!! There is no such word as “spents,” and this should have been caught by spell check computers.

Time is up Mr Shine, Mr. Krumel, and Mr Lucente………Your grade is F, and you have earned a giant thorn.

— John Dixon, Lima