Student’s hyper? Just drug ‘em

First Posted: 3/6/2015

I would like to comment on and tie together two articles that were in The Lima News. The two are: “Six Lima Public Schools Failing” and Robert Dotson’s letter to editor, “Lucente Wrong on Vaccines.”

Maybe, just maybe, our Lima City Schools are failing and autism is rising so fast in the United States because our public schools and big pharmacies are dumbing down our kids. I would like to ask the authorities at the Lima City Schools how many of their students are put on ADHD drugs because the authorities think their students are too hyperactive. I bet it is a higher percentage than the better performing schools.

When I was a kid and when United States was tops in grades, we did not dumb down our students with ADHD drugs. We just went out and got more physical exercise. Yes, and the students that were most hyperactive in school when I was a kid, are now the ones that are most successful because they had a lot of drive and were not dumbed down with ADHD drugs.

And all these vaccines that Robert Dotson, public schools and government want to force on our young students is also causing the big rise in autism and the dumbing down of our students. Yes, and those studies done in favor of vaccines not causing autism were done by big pharmacies themselves. Go figure.

Next, I guess Robert Dotson and his big pharmacy buddies will put on their brown Nazi shirts and go door to door forcing vaccines on the population. Well, they better start with the Muslims because they are not pro-vaccine.

— Glen Lewis, Lima