No balanced budget in Ohio

First Posted: 2/16/2015

So you want a “balanced” budget like Ohio?

Yeah, right.

State Issue 1 was a bond issue that borrows money to be paid back in the future for things that need to be done today. Or how about borrowing against future toll road fees to make needed repairs now or the $1.4 billion that the state borrowed from the federal government to pay for it’s underfunded state unemployment compensation department? We are just paying interest on that tab.

Go to your township trustees or your local school board meetings and you will see how the state is “balancing” it’s budget. The state Legislature ignores both the Ohio State Supreme Court constitutional mandates and their own legislative promises.

Our governor, John Kasich, used to be a managing director of Lehman Brothers. Check your newspaper archives and see how that worked out.

Go ahead, cut your income and business taxes. Ask the people of Kansas how that has worked out also!

You want a balanced federal budget — that’s easy. You get hit with a hurricane? Sorry about your luck, you should have lived somewhere else. How about a flood, a fire, a drought, maybe some Ebola or a measles outbreak?

There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says the federal government has an obligation to do anything. Do you want to live in a country like that? If you do then I suggest you read some good history books about the last 25 years of the 19th century in this country. Otherwise, name me ANY country in the world today you would rather live in.

Smaller government, less regulation, lower taxes—What a CROCK that is.