A new low for newspaper

First Posted: 2/2/2015

I note with some distaste the headline on the Feb. 1 edition of The Lima News. It stated, “Teen: ‘I didn’t shoot nobody.’”

I suppose The Lima News has now come full circle from what was once a pretty good hometown paper to what it now is. Of course, we can blame years of absentee ownership for some of the problems such as on a number of occasions printing the same story on several different pages and the temptation for us to sin by putting the solution to the crossword puzzle on the same page with the puzzle — oh yes, we can read upside down!

It’s not that we didn’t have enough with Tom Lucente’s comic relief and Vince Koza’s “It’s all about me” columns. We all know what the guy meant and to hold his manner of speech up to ridicule hardly befits a responsible newspaper. But perhaps the headline writer is a retired English teacher with a horror of the double negative. Where have you gone Bart Mills when we need you so?

— James R. Sendelbach, Delphos