Members not speaking for church

First Posted: 4/3/2015

The following is the official statement regarding the matter of the hog barn:

Contrary to what was broadcast on local TV news and printed in the local newspapers, on March 8th and 9th, 2015, the Zion Christian Union Church Leadership and congregation have taken the position that the building of a hog barn in the community is not a church matter. We have made the decision to remain neutral and to not become involved in the argument for or against the hog barn.

Although members who live in the community and attend the church may wish to participate, they are encouraged not to speak on behalf of the Zion Christian Union Church and congregation in any form: written, verbal or on camera. We have encouraged all parties to express their views and actions in a Christ-like manner.

— Pastor Dan Newell, Grover Hill, The Zion Christian Union Church pastor