Mourning loss of Mercy Hall

First Posted: 3/30/2015

I was saddened to learn that Mercy Hall no longer provides the comprehensive alcohol and drug treatment that it provided for more than 35 years.

I would like to applaud Dr. Hux and Dr. Seller for their dedication to the clients for over 30 years. I would also like to thank the nurses for their dedication and patience caring for alcoholics and addicts in detoxification. Cathie, Jan, Pat, Ginny, Martha, Sandie, Kim, Janet, Lilla, Nancy, Theresa, Olga and Deb Jo are some of the nurses who spent time with the patients and their families. They all treated the patients with dignity and respect.

I would like to thank the counseling staff, Carol S., Tony, Carol W., Nancy H., Bobbie, Mark, Mike, Becky, Dee, Pat and Jill.

I was privileged to work at Mercy Hall for 29 years. I saw many patients whose lives had been devastated by addiction make marvelous changes in their lives. They did this with 12 step recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous meetings, establishing balance in their life and maintaining sobriety.

This comprehensive service is no longer available in this area. Thank you, Mercy Hall, for over 35 years of service in caring for alcoholics and addicts and their families.

Anne Tebben
