No emerency in this room

First Posted: 3/17/2015

Does it say hospital on the outside of this building?

Is this not an emergency room? Would I be here if it was not an emergency? When you walk into a hospital and you are finally granted an all access pass to the back of the emergency department where there are rooms and beds instead of chairs, one of the first things they ask you is to rate your pain on a scale from one to 10. This of course is where you personally rate how you feel on this scale. So if I have a high pain tolerance or I am a naturally non-vocal individual and I rate my pain a nine on this scale, do you believe me? Do I have to be throwing my hands in the air and screaming in a high manner of dramatics in order to get your attention? This is my current situation as I am sitting in Lima Memorial’s emergency department with my wife.

She, of course, is the non-vocal individual with the high pain tolerance. And by high pain tolerance I want to point out that she has had surgery in her past in which she has had half of her organs removed.

With these flare ups of pain coming randomly and at any given time of day or night, relief from this pain can become an emergency situation. It is currently 2:58 a.m. And we have been in the hospital emergency department since right at 1 a.m. without being seen by a doctor. This is ridiculous.

— Erik Barnes, Waynesfield