Photographer was unprofessional

First Posted: 2/9/2015

ROSE: to Rosanne Bowman and The Lima News for the well-written article “Blessed to Lead.”

It was a newsworthy event of a remarkable young woman who has become a leader that Lima can take pride in.

THORN: To Amanda Wilson of The Lima News for lacking professionalism and just plain common courtesy for all those present at St. Matthew Lutheran Church to witness and EXPERIENCE the sacred culmination and celebration of Pastor Emily’s journey into ministerial service.

Entering the church with the music underway in unprofessional attire (professional photographers commonly wear black but most certainly not jeans to a religious service). Sitting in the front pew reserved for Emily. Continuously walking across and standing front and center on the altar, especially in the circle with the bishop and pastors during the laying on of the hands, and blocking the view of all those present in the experience.

I would have liked to have had the opportunity to speak to you in person at the conclusion of the service, but you left before the service was over, demonstrating this was a nothing more than a job for you. For us it was a sacred experience not to be taken lightly, and for some that experience was diminished by your lack of professionalism.

Your pictures are beautiful but the memory you left behind is not.