93 years old, married 71 years, going strong

First Posted: 3/10/2015

Robert and Gladys Ward are not the type of people who like to call attention to themselves. But there are few, if any, married couples like them in Allen County.

On Tuesday, they’ll celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary. That takes them through 13 U.S. presidents — from Roosevelt to Obama — a man on the moon, and a time period when a person had to search extra hard to find any store open on a Sunday but could take the family to cool off on a hot summer day at a swimming hole such as Silver Springs near Lafayette.

Robert is 93 and Gladys soon will match him at 93 in September. They’re still very independent. He can be found driving their car to worship at Auglaize Bible Church, and she still marches up and down the basement stairs of their home to do the laundry.

“They’re just incredible people, amazing parents,” said their daughter, Deb Barnes, who stopped by to share their story. “They’re going to be a little miffed at me for contacting The Lima News — they’re low-key people — but Mom always said I was the ornery child, and I just thought 71 years of marriage … what an accomplishment.”

Robert and Gladys met on a blind date during World War II — “her friend was dating Dad’s brother and asked Mom if she wanted to meet a sailor,” said Deb. Not only did they meet, they got married in 1944. Shortly after he boarded a Liberty ship and headed off to the Pacific Theater.

That brings about one of Robert’s favorite stories.

“When Dad was overseas, a phone call home was a rare commodity. Mom had moved back in with her folks, who at the time didn’t have a phone. The neighbor lady received a call from Dad and ran across the yard to get Mom. The excitement of the moment ended abruptly when they realized she hung up on Dad in her rush to get Mom. Dad said his heart sank when he heard the click. It was several months before he could call home again.”

After the war, Robert and Gladys raised three girls and have three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Robert retired from BLH Clark Equipment in Lima and Gladys, who was one of the few women of her time to go to business school, retired from Cargill Elevator in Alger.

They’ve had to overcome what no parent should ever experience: the death of two children. Their oldest daughter, Rhea, died from leukemia at the age of 16. The youngest, Peg, died at the age of 51.

“Their strong Christian faith has sustained them and helped them grow even stronger,” said Deb. “It’s tough outliving your family and friends. Dad comments that you have no one to say ‘do you remember when’ to anymore. The last lady in my mother’s graduating class died this past winter. My daughter told Mom that makes you the winner, to which Mom replied, ‘yes, but there is no one left to brag to.’”

Deb, who has been married to Denny Barnes for 47 years, says she’s fortunate to have such special parents.

“They’ve always been unselfish, putting family first. They taught me how to work hard, laugh hard and to be honest. For that, I am blessed.”

ROSES AND THORNS: Make room in the rose garden for someone who was a long shot to get there.

Rose: To Sydney Santaguida, a senior at Lima Central Catholic. She won a $1,000 gas card from Marathon when she made a basket from halfcourt during half time of the LCC state championship game.

Rose: To Scott McCoim, who can be seen walking his five happy dogs on Lima’s west side. Each of dogs had been badly abused and taken to the animal shelter, where McCoim adopted them and nurtured them back to health.

Rose: To John and Greta Murray, of Lima. They’ve gone through a battle with cancer that they say has made their strong marriage of 54 years even stronger. In a span of four days last October, John learned he had a benign brain tumor and Greta was diagnosed with cancer. She is now cancer free, and his tumor is shrinking.

Rose: To Joe Patton and his investigative team at the Allen County Department of Job and Family Services. They were honored by the state for their performance in uncovering welfare fraud.

Rose: Lima has reported a 36 percent drop in crime since 2008, Police Chief Kevin Martin reports.

Rose: Twenty-four Spencerville High School choir students sang backup for the 1980s rock band Foreigner when it performed Saturday at Veterans Memorial Civic Center.

Thorn: A note was found at Elida High School claiming a shooting would take place, causing school officials to dismiss classes early.

PARTING SHOT: There is no child so bad that he or she can’t be used as an income tax deduction.