Monday meeting to discuss drug paraphernalia sales

First Posted: 3/26/2015

LIMA — When it comes to kids being influenced to abuse drugs, 6th Ward Councilman Derry Glenn is adhering to the policy, “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Glenn is advocating legislation to remove open displays of glass pipes and male enhancement pills in city convenience stores and carryouts. To that end, he, along with council members Todd Gordon and Teresa Adams, will be at South Science Technology Magnet school from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday to meet with parents and business owners about this issue.

“[City Council] President Nixon proposed it,” Glenn said. “We want all the parents to come out and talk about this. I’ve been getting calls over the years about these pipes being in stores.”

By having these items in open displays, Glenn maintained that these stores are encouraging young people to experiment with drugs, with the enhancement pills encouraging teen sex.

“I’ve heard many stories about teenagers taking these pills along with an energy drink for sex,” he said. “I don’t want our kids to see this. We are all about fighting the war on drugs. I know crime is going down, and we need to keep it down by fighting these problems here.”

While Glenn recognized that these items are legal to sell, he argued that they can lead to illegal activity.

“If you get caught with this in your car, you can go to jail, but we sell these in stores,” he said. “These pipes are used for heroin, crack and marijuana. They are not for entertainment only.”

Glenn also hopes to have store owners at the meeting to give their side of the story. This legislation would only apply to convenience stores and carryouts where children are allowed, not adult-themed stores, he said.

“We’re not trying to tell them what they can or can’t sell,” he said. “We know the owners really well, and I know they want to make money, but I don’t think you should make money from a drug pipe.”

Glenn and the other council members will discuss the framework of this legislation, including potential midemeanor charges and fines. Glenn hopes to have a completed legislation in place in time for the April 6 Lima City Council meeting.