Loading up to the seams

First Posted: 2/28/2015

LIMA — For Amy Orwick, Girl Scout cookie season is just another piece to the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio.

Allen County troop leaders and girl scouts quickly shuffled in and out of Lane’s Transfer Inc., in Lima, on Saturday, cars came empty and left filled to the seams.

Orwick, who is in charge of product sales for the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, said troop leaders had only five minutes, depending on the size of their order, to gather the cookies their Girl Scouts had ordered earlier this year, and leave so another round of troop leaders could come in.

Girls in grades kindergarten to seniors in high school are eligible to join the Girl Scouts, “it’s never too late for girls to join,” Orwick said. “Sometimes the older girls think that it’s something for the younger girls, but we have opportunities for the older girls.”

Often propped outside of stores like Wal-Mart or Chief Supermarkets, cookie sale booths are set up for patrons. Orwick said this method of sale helps the girls learn how to make change, business management and personal skills.

Amanda Hunsaker, a troop leader for a troop in Allen East, said this is her second year as a troop leader and has enjoyed watching her Girl Scouts grow in that time. Girl Scouts “helps them to think outside of themselves. Kids are self-centered about themselves, anyway, so this helps them break out of their bubble and see the big picture,” Hunsaker said.

This year, Hunsaker’s troop’s goal is to raise enough money to go horseback riding in Swanton.

Cookie sales isn’t the only reason girls get involved, Emily Orwick, Amy’s daughter, said. The junior at Elida High School said she enjoys working with the younger girls and going to camp to practice archery and to meet new people. Emily plans to attend Rhodes State College after graduation and wants to continue helping the Girl Scouts locally.

If someone can’t eat Girl Scout cookies for dietary reasons, or would just like to give back to a good cause, there are options, Amy Orwick said.

The Girl Scouts of Western Ohio has partnered with Heroes in Action for the 10th year in a row to provide Girl Scout cookies to troops overseas.

“We’ve gotten letters and we’ve heard stories from soldiers who got Girl Scout cookies and they love it,” Amy Orwick said.