‘Go Red’ for heart disease

First Posted: 1/26/2015

LIMA — There’s another reason to wear red this February.

Though hearts are still involved, it’s not the one beloveds will find on their valentines. Instead, it’s the one that keeps us alive.

To help remind people, especially women, to take care of the vital organ and raise awareness about heart disease, the American Heart Association started Go Red Day on Feb. 6.

Though one in every three deaths among women are related to cardiovascular diseases, when the organization started the campaign 11 years ago, the statistics were even worse, said Beth Langefels, the communications director for Ohio’s Northwest Division.

“Women didn’t think about it for themselves and weren’t aware of the fact that it was their No. 1 killer,” she said.

Since the campaign began, the number of deaths has decreased by 30 percent.

Langefels said there’s more to be done because heart disease is reversible after a lifestyle change, in most cases.

Because Lima doesn’t have a local chapter, the Lima Symphony Orchestra took it upon itself to raise awareness. For four years now, it has invited any woman interested to participate in its annual Go Red photo.

Still, Lima Symphony Orchestra’s Executive Director Elizabeth Brown insists that “it goes way beyond just taking a picture.”

“It’s a striking visual,” she said. “The presence of all these people in red serves as a wonderful reminder that we need to take ownership of our health.”

The orchestra also incorporates the message into its February show. This year the concert will be Feb. 14. The annual photo will be shot at 12:15 p.m. Tuesday in front of the Convention Center. Share your Go Red photos and events online with #GoRedLima.