Quotations in the news: Jan. 25 to Feb. 1, 2015

First Posted: 1/30/2015

“It sounds like I better go home and fill the bath tub with beer.” — Robert Foster, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., concerning the weather forecast of a major blizzard preparing to swallow the East Coast.

“Going home. Relaxing. Sleeping in a real bed. Probably get in a pool of water and swim for a little while.” — Joseph Sledge, exonerated for a double homicide in 1976 and freed after nearly 40 years in a North Carolina prison.

“I don’t know how you can say you’ve been proactive and helpful when you won’t even comply with the statue and give us what the law requires.” – U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, a member of the Benghazi Select Committee, when questioning Deputy Assistant Secretary of State a Joel Rubin during last week’s hearings.

“A wave hit at that moment, and bang! Like lightning it hit me right in the face.” — Tim Mannix of Marshfield, Massachusetts, whose house near the ocean was destroyed during the Blizzard of 2015.

“If confirmed as attorney general, I would be myself. I would be Loretta Lynch.” — Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch, facing skeptical questioning during her Senate confirmation hearing.

“This year, during every Cubs game, you can bet that No. 14 will be watching over his team. And if we’re lucky, it’ll be a beautiful day for not just one ballgame, but two.” — Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on the death of Hall of Fame slugger Ernie Banks, who coined the catchphrase “Let’s play two!”

“This is the beginning of what could be a major confrontation. My estimate is this is the beginning of redefining the new confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah, Syria and Iran.” — Kamel Wazne, founder of the Center for American Strategic Studies in Beirut, after the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group fired missiles at an Israeli military convoy, killing two soldiers.

“While this is a tough situation, we remain unchanged in our stance of seeking help from the Jordanian government in securing the early release of Mr. Goto.” — Japanese Prime Minister Shizo Abe on Kenji Goto, the Japanese hostage held by Islamic State.

“Nothing is achieved if either side resorts to bullying, political point scoring or accusations of bigotry.” — Jeffrey R. Holland, a Mormon church elder, on the church’s announcement to campaign for laws that protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from religious discrimination.