Speakers encourage self-worth, value

First Posted: 4/1/2015

LIMA — About 50 women came to the City Club on Thursday to develop personally and improve professionally.

The Lima/Allen County Chamber of Commerce hosted a Women in Business event titled “Business Help: Stepping Outside the Box with New Concepts for Personal Growth,” featuring two motivational speakers to help attendees in business.

“We just want women to be confident with themselves and confident with their professions and walk confidently through their lives,” said Nicole Scott, communications director with the chamber.

The event featured Elena Rahrig, inspirational speaker and founder of BoxCrushers, and Scott Bland, owner of Concepts That Work.

Rahrig presented her four types of people: peepers, flippers, inspectors and warriors. She encourages people to become warriors.

“I want people to become the one everyone was created to be,” she said. “We were all created for a purpose. … Every part of you is created just the way it was meant to happen, a warrior knows that.”

She encouraged attendees to get out of their comfort zone and stop chasing comfort.

“God didn’t create me to be comfortable, he created me to fulfill his purpose,” Rahrig said. “We need to be grounded in being that warrior so we can go out and be significant.”

After Rahrig’s presentation, the attendees learned a little bit about Bland and Concepts That Work.

Bland asked attendees to look into a mirror at their seats and say “I am valuable.”

Faith, or what people believe, comes from what they hear day to day, Bland said.

“We don’t know who we are from the inside out,” he said, encouraging people to take the time to figure out who they truly are, beyond their jobs, what they do and how other people see them.

He asked the women repeatedly to look in a mirror and say to themselves: “I am confident, I am able, I am lovable, I am beatuifully, wonderfully created …”

Whether people believe it or not, they are spiritual beings and only they can set their own paths and learn how to be valuable, he said.

“My presentation is really adding value to let them know that they can have self worth within themselves instead of seeking outside appraisal,” Bland said. “When you know who you are, there’s nothing that can stop you.”